Overview: The Hampton Roads Soccer Complex has installed a state-of-the-art lightning detection system from Perry Weather. The unit is located on top of the main office/concession stand building facing field #6. This system will detect cloud-cloud and cloud-ground lightning strikes within 10 miles of the complex. Once any lightning strike is within the 10 mile perimeter, a 15 second siren will go off for everyone to clear the fields and seek shelter. During this time the following parties should:
Referees: Stop play and tell coaches and players that HRSC is under a lightning delay for at least 30 minutes.
Coaches: Convey to parents that they must return to their vehicles with their players while HRSC is under a lightning delay.
Players & Spectators: return to your vehicles while HRSC is under a lightning delay
HRSC Staff: Make sure that everyone is off the fields and are heading to their cars, not huddling under the picnic shelters. Although the shelters are grounded, they are only to be used if someone is caught in the storm and cannot return to their vehicle. At this time HRSC staff will use the link to monitor the countdown clock.
League/Tournament admin: Monitor the countdown clock online to make any scheduling decisions.
A strobe light will flash while the complex is under a lightning delay, and a countdown to all-clear can also be found on our website (www.SoccerComplex.org). Each time the system detects a lightning strike within the 10 mile perimeter, the countdown clock will reset to 30 minutes. It is not until the strobe light stops blinking and the horn blasts (3) five second blasts for all clear, that play may resume.
If HRSC determines that fields are unplayable/too wet while under a lightning delay, HRSC staff will notify referees and the HRSC Operations Manager will alert league/tournament staff. If fields are closed for being unplayable, the HRSC website and weather hotline will be updated. HRSC staff is not responsible for schedule decisions/changes. The HRSC staff provides and website provide the countdown to resume play and/or make the decision if fields are too wet to continue.